You are the light!
Even your body is a cloud we create to punish ourselves , an idol we create to put between us and God an idol symbolizing our wanting to separate ourselves from god
this is how we have been punishing ourselves so far!
We can look at the movie, the dream as to how we have been punishing ourselves so far and smile as we are in that moment free of punish
Put here (All drawings put online already of Mystical Mouse.
Redo Alexander Marchand explanations with your style
Refer to Gary Cindy s book course in miracles and to Herb and Joels
Put also little movies of Christ Mouse projecting bodies in and out of the grave!! (we did an audio of that.) With Mary Magdamouse."
Even your body is a cloud we create to punish ourselves , an idol we create to put between us and God an idol symbolizing our wanting to separate ourselves from god
this is how we have been punishing ourselves so far!
We can look at the movie, the dream as to how we have been punishing ourselves so far and smile as we are in that moment free of punish
Put here (All drawings put online already of Mystical Mouse.
Redo Alexander Marchand explanations with your style
Refer to Gary Cindy s book course in miracles and to Herb and Joels
Put also little movies of Christ Mouse projecting bodies in and out of the grave!! (we did an audio of that.) With Mary Magdamouse."